Even when we're not on the clock, the team at FauxPanels.com keeps a look out for our products. One of our team members, Mark, spotted these panels being put to good use in a popular Long Island mall.
Stone Veneer Creates a Boutique Look
The Sock Drawer, in Broadway Mall, uses our faux panels to create a unique retail display.
It takes a lot to stand out when you're just another store in the mall - but The Sock Drawer at the Broadway Mall in Hicksville, NY seems to have achieved that.
They've used our Oxford Stonewall Panels to give an awesome boutique look to this stylish women's fashion store.
The Sock Drawer, as the name suggests, sells a lot of socks - plus shorts, leggings, pants and a host of other chic women's apparel.
But for us, the store's highlight was the decor.
Cutting out the edges of the Oxford stonewall panels allows the store to have an "organic" look - connecting with the mall architecture seamlessly.
We're always interested to see just how our panels are used in retail settings, and it looks like somebody smart created The Sock Drawer's unique look.
The store's layout included a number of columns, which were mitered perfectly and finished using our Oxford faux stone corners, for a finish that's almost indistinguishable from real stone.
For the entrance to the store, the designers used their imagination and made it look like the stone work was organically emerging from the regular mall wall.
They achieved this by cutting out the edges of the brick texture before installing the panels - an easy enough task, as our panels can be cut to shape with nothing more exotic than a regular wood saw.
A series of columns are perfectly finished using our Oxford stonewall corner pieces - along with some expert mitering.
The end result gives The Sock Drawer a unique and timeless look; seamlessly original without detracting from what people really came to the store for - the clothes.
We're very proud to have seen our products in use in another retail setting. It seems as time goes on, going "faux" is becoming more and more of a no-brainer for commercial displays.
After all, our faux panels are affordable, versatile and as easy to take down as they are to install. That's why our gallery of pictures from commercial design installs seems to be growing every week!
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