NovikShake HR Half Round Shake Installation Instructions
1-Always begin the installation at the lowest part of the
structure, from left to right.
2-Always hammer in the center of the installation holes. Each complete panel must be nailed by 4 nails at maximal intervals of 8”(20,32cm) or less (Figure 1). If panels are installed on a furring wall, furring strips should be at 8”(20,32cm) center to center and a furring strip is required behind each nail. Always use non-corrosive nails or screws with a head of 0.4”(1cm) in diameter and a body of 0.150”(0,38cm) in diameter and penetrate a minimum of 1 1/4”(3,18cm) into a solid surface.

3-Never hammer the nails in completely. Leave a gap of
1/16’’(0,16cm) (Figure 2).

4-Make sure that all pieces are correctly inserted into one
another (Figure 3).

5-When using finition trim (i.e. Novik Trim) leave a gap of
1/4”(0,64cm) between the trim and the siding (Figure 4). The
required opening for finition trim is 7/8”(2,22cm).
-To cut the material, it is recommended to use a circular saw
with a finishing blade.
-Keep the R-E-L number of your products (ex: REL-123456)
for future references.

1-Install finition trim on the gable perimeter. Make sure that the horizontal trims are perfectly leveled and square (Figure A).
2-Draw a plumb line starting at the highest point and perpendicular to the horizontal line to identify the gablecenter (Figure A).

3-Cut the siding at 1 1/4”(3,18cm) below the bottom of the scale hollows. Cut only the quantity needed for one complete starting row (Figure B).

4-Measure the distance A (Figure A), substract 1 1/4”(3,18cm) and divide by 6 1/2”(16,51cm). This will give you the amount of rows required to complete the gable excluding the starting row. For an odd number of rows, install the starting row so that hollow between two scales is in the middle (Figure C). Foran even number of rows, install the starting row so that the tip of scale is in the middle (Figure D). By doing so, you will finish the last row with a complete scale in the middle of the gable(Figure G).
Note: In the case of a fraction, if the number is less than 0.5,
round it of to the previous number. If the number is 0.5 or over,round it off to the next number.

5-Install the starting row previously cut (see step 3) in
the finition trim used as a starter strip. Leave a gap of
1/4”(0,64cm) between the inside wall of the trim and the
siding. Leave a gap of 3/16”(0,48cm) between every panel
and make sure that the row is firmly in place and will not
come out of the trim (Figure E)

6-Install the next rows into the previous rows by staggering by at least two scales every other row. Always make sure that you are aligned (Figure F).

7-Cut the final piece, drill a hole proportionate to the size of the nail, but smaller than its head and nail in (Figure G).
Note: For proper installation & optimal appearance, shim as
required to adjust the angle of the last piece.

Note: Do not nail into the extremities holes of the panel
(1 - Figure H), except if there no more nailing hole above
the piece (2 - Figure H).

1-Install finition trim on both side of the gable. Draw a plumb
line starting at the highest point and perpendicular to
the horizontal line to identify the galbe center (Figure A1).
Mesure the distance A, add 4”(10,2cm) and divide the result by 6 1/2”(16,51cm). This will give you the amount of rows required to complete the gable.
Note: In the case of a fraction, if the number is less than 0.5,
round it of to the previous number. If the number is 0.5 or over, round it off to the next number

2-Over the last siding row, install the first starter clip. If result
obtained in step 1 gives an even number, install the starting
clip centered with the top (Figure B1). With an odd number,
install the starter clip at 2 5/8”(6,67cm) of the center (Figure B1). By doing so, you will finish the last row with a complete scale in the middle of the gable (Figure G). Install the other starter clips at every 10 1/2”(26,67cm) center to center (Figure B1).

3-Cut the first panel according to the roof pitch and insert into the other starter clips (Figure C1). Insert the other panels until the end of the row. Make sure to space equally each panel from one to another (Figure E)

4-Install the next rows into the previous rows by staggering by at least two scales every other row. Always make sure that you are aligned (Figure F).
5-Cut the final piece, drill a hole proportionate to the size of the nail, but smaller than its head and nail in (Figure G).
Note: Do not nail into the extremities holes of the panel
(1 - Figure H), except if there no more nailing hole above
the piece (2 - Figure H).