Size is everything – especially when you're talking about ceiling design. That’s where the flexibility of synthetic wood beams comes into its own.
At FauxWoodBeams.com, we’re always excited to receive pictures and videos from customers who’ve used our products to transform their homes. One interesting thing we’ve been paying particular attention to recently is the clever use of contrasting lengths of our faux timber beams – which can give dramatically different visual results.
The Long and Short of Synthetic Beams
Carol used tiny lengths of our synthetic timber beams to give the impression of structural supports.
Take this new build in Amarillo, Texas, for example, that included a towering, cathedral roof. Clever customer Carol Potts used very short lengths of our synthetic timber beams to give the impression of ancient, supporting timbers poking through the plaster roof. It was a great way to give a discrete, but significant edge to the room’s aesthetic.
Because our timber beams are molded from durable polyurethane, it meant Carol had the freedom to cut a single full-length beam into three angled pieces with nothing more than a regular wood saw. That made installation a breeze, kept her costs down and still gave her the astonishing results she was looking for.
In complete contrast, Alabama native Ron decided that longer was better when it came to transforming the living room of his Union Grove home. The 60-year-old worked off a scaffold to install over 200 feet of our synthetic wood beams; and gave the impression of seamless lengths of timber by covering up where one beam met another with our rubber beam straps.
Ron used immense lengths of faux wood beam to span his enormous ceiling; far longer than would be practical with real wood.
Because our beams are uniform in width and fit, Ron was able to create a beamed ceiling design that would have been impossible using authentic timber – that length of beam simply isn’t normally available. What’s more, he could install it himself, in two days, using nothing more than a circular saw, knives and an electric drill.
That’s really the long and short of it – a dramatic example of how two different customers took two different approaches to using our faux wood products – and they both worked out brilliantly.
Do you have any thoughts on beam length? Or, better yet, some photos to show us of our beams in long, or short, action? Let us know at info@fauxwoodbeams.com. We’d love to feature them here.
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