You’ll find full instructions for installing our faux stone siding on our website – but we’re always interested to see how customers do it. Our faux stone panels are easy to install, but it’s surprising the unique tips and tricks home installers come up with that even we hadn’t thought of!
How to Make Your Own Faux Stone Siding
Just recently, Denny Bushong from California sent us pictures of how he’d created a stunning faux stone façade over an ugly cement wall using our Novik Cobblestone Siding. It was a quick and easy way to turn an eye-sore into a backyard feature to boast about – and here’s how he did it:
STEP ONE: First Denny installed a wooden framework around the wall to make installation easier. Our siding is breathtakingly easy to install, and you can mount it just like you would regular siding, using nails or screws.
Denny installed a wooden framework on this concrete wall. This make installing his faux stone siding easy.
STEP TWO: Next, Denny started arranging the Novik faux stone siding panels to get ready for installation. As you can see, they’re designed to be interlocking for a really seamless connection. This means the end result looks fantastic – but it’s worth the extra time to lay the panels out to make sure they line up right.
Lining up the Novik Stone Wall Siding prior to installation made the whole process easier.
STEP THREE: As you can see from the picture, the wall Denny was covering was about two-and-a-half panels high. This meant he had to cut the last row of panels to fit flush with the top of the wall. Because our Novik Cobblestone Siding panels are molded from polypropylene, this was an easy enough step. You can cut our faux stone siding and panels to size with a regular wood saw or electric circular saw.
Each Novik Siding panel interlocks, for a flush and seamless fit
STEP FOUR: Installation was straightforward. Starting from the bottom with a starter strip and working his way up, Denny installed each row by sliding the interlocking pieces onto the previous panel.
TIPS & TRICKS: A neat trick Denny used here is to offset each row of panels – preventing each row from looking too symmetrical to the one below and above it. You can do this by trimming the first panel of each alternating row in half.
As you can see, the results are amazing. Denny turned a really ugly cement wall into the centerpiece of his yard; and much more quickly and affordably than he’d have been able to using real stone.
The trick is to make sure you measure everything twice; to be sure you don’t waste any materials and you get a flush, seamless fit wherever you choose to install your faux stone panels. Check out our installation instructions and get familiar with them before you begin.
Then, after installation, comes the fun part! Just sit back and enjoy the attention and compliments your hard work will receive!