Customer Dan sent in pictures of his recent fireplace wall project, and it's a good baseline for how long it takes to install our panels.
"I wanted to send off some photos of my completed project, using Colorado Dry Stack panels."
Dan's wall is roughly 75 square feet.
In the email accompanying the pictures, he explained: "I found the project to be very rewarding and easy to do, with nothing more than a little time and patience. I think the fireplace wall looks much more rich and exciting for guests entering my home, and I've received nothing but complements from friends looking at the finished product."
That's all great, and I think you'll agree that Dan's new wall looks fantastic. It's a stunning accent in his home, and really contrasts nicely against the fireplace and surrounding white walls.
But what we found especially interesting was this part of Dan's email:
"My project was about 75 square feet and took me about 2 weekends to complete."
Cutting the panels to size, and adding holes for electrical outlets, increased the time it took to finish.
One of the major advantages of 'going faux' is the speed in which our products can be installed. Obviously it depends on your carpentry expertise and experience; but it's great to get a baseline from an authentic customer, so you can see for yourself how quick and easy installation can be.
In Dan's case, he had a towering wall to cover; and had to cut his panels to shape, and also to allow for electrical outlets. The fact that the wall space he was covering was so tall also meant he had to 'stagger' each subsequent row - cutting the row of panels above the first one in half, so that the realistic stone texture wasn't too obviously duplicated.
All things being equal, the wall took a fraction of the time using real stone or brick would have done.
Neither of these challenges are that difficult - anybody with basic carpentry skills and a wood saw can accomplish them - but it's interesting because it shows that even including some additional steps, it's still a super quick process to install the panels.
The more experienced you are, or the simpler your project is, the quicker you can get it accomplished - and remember that Dan was working on his own, and had to use a ladder to reach the higher parts. With that in mind - two weekends of work was pretty amazing for the results he achieved.
Most importantly, the wall is vividly realistic.
Compare that to the time and effort involved in adding real stone or brick to the wall and you can see there's no comparison - and the results are amazing. Dan didn't compromise on looks and boasts: "The wall look very natural and very hard to distinguish from a real rock install."
Two weekends of work... Does that sound about right to you? If you've used our panels, drop a comment below to let us know if you think Dan's timeline sounds about right, or if you completed a similar project faster. We'd love to know about it!
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