Stone Veneer Themed Center Wall Designs
A home entertainment center is an area in a room where many homeowners love to spend time at the end of the day for rest and enjoyment. And as the days get shorter and the nights cooler, people will be spending more time in their family room or living room. Knowing they’ll be doing that, many will be looking for ways to add a new dimension of comfort to that room.
Most TV’s, DVD players, stereos and other electronic equipment by themselves look stark and unattractive. A simple way to blend them with your home’s décor can be accomplished with the right entertainment center wall design. Accent walls look great in a bold color while the other walls are lighter in color, or they can be a brighter shade of the same color of the other walls.
Using stone veneer or brick panels can help you achieve this dramatic and comforting effect. In addition to adding impressive color to a wall, they also add textural appeal, which increases the visual interest of the room.
The photos our customers have sent us of their entertainment centers illustrate how the panels provide a beautiful finishing touch. Not only do they make for a fun and affordable DIY project; they also create the stunning look of real stone.
Take a look at the two customer testimonials below and the photos they sent of their entertainment centers. You’ll see what a difference faux brick and stone veneer make.
A stone veneer entertainment center wall provides more class and beauty.
“When I purchased my home a few years ago, I knew I wanted to make the media nook an accent wall. At first I tried to paint it a different color and hang the tv. It looked okay for a few months until I came across your website. I spent a lot of time looking at all the customer's submissions and realized this truly is a DYI project. I finally settled on the stacked stone panels I wanted and ordered them. Shipping was quick and everything was very well packaged. There was no damage to any of the panels. The installation was extremely easy. The panels are simple to cut and hang. The drywall screws used to hold the panels up are completely hidden by the next panel. I used the grout and touch up kit to hide the seams. I also added 2 accent lights above the panels to light up the nook area at night. Everyone that comes over to my house compliments me on the wall. Most people think it is real stone until they touch it. Your product holds up extremely well and it very easy to clean with the brush attachment on a handheld vacuum. My suggestion for people who are cutting the panels; hold a vacuum next to the area where you are cutting suck up all the shavings from the cut. Excellent product and I getting ready to do another wall.”
– Homeowner in Las Vegas, NV
This entertainment center wall adds comfort and style.
“I used Wellington panels to remodel my entertainment center and it turned out to be a great success! Very easy to work with and very light weight. They look really realistic! With spot lights they look even better. Recommended to DIYers, even beginners.” – homeowner
Take a look at the additional photos below, for more ideas on how you can add a dynamic look to your own home entertainment center.
Transform a whole living area with stone veneer paneling.
Stone veneer accent walls provide an outstanding focal point for your media center.
Before & After photos showing how stone entertainment center walls add elegance and beauty.
Fake stone entertainment center walls add sophistication to a room.
Stone veneer accent walls makes vibrant entertainment centers.