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6 Garden Décor Ideas For Spring

6 Garden Décor Ideas For Spring

Garden Decoration - Spring Ideas

While you're planting your garden this spring, you may want to think about some decorative elements that could be added to enhance its look; elements that personalize your garden and reflect your individuality. Below are six great garden decor ideas to get you started:

Wind Chimes

Wind chimes come in all kinds of sizes, shapes and colors.  One popular type that’s easy to hang from a branch is a metal coil wind chime.  These kinds of chime designs are simple, yet unique.  Many have a colorful glass design inside the coil, with the actual chimes hanging from the bottom of the coil.  Also called wind spinner chimes, these designs are eye-catching, as they twirl in the wind while the chime sings.  Wind chimes look great among your flowers and trees, adding color and visual interest to your garden year round.

Wind chimes are a great way to add a personal touch to your garden design. Wind chimes can add a personal touch to your garden design.

Garden Trellis

Transforming your garden into a charming sanctuary can be done easily with a trellis.  These decorative elements are typically a wooden frame of latticework that plants can grow through.  They can be splendid for your clematis or climbing roses.  They add not only visual appeal, but are also a wonderful accompaniment to outdoor living spaces.

Adding a trellis to your garden is a great way to bring charm to your yard. Adding a trellis to your garden is a great way to bring charm to your yard.


Introducing flowing water to a garden is always an excellent way to bring vivacity to the overall design, particularly with fountains. Water fountains can be large or small, and take on a variety of interesting designs.  They can be placed inside the garden or accent an entrance or perimeter.

Water fountains make your garden a peaceful place to be. Water fountains can add peace and tranquility to a garden

Garden Statues

Garden sculptures and statues always give gardens unique charm.  They are a wonderful way to add more cheer to vegetable patches and flowerbeds, or lend playfulness to a corner of your yard.  Common statues are angels, leprechauns and gnomes.  Some garden statues even double as stools or birdfeeders.

A statue always adds a whimsical feel to your garden. A statue always adds a whimsical feel to your garden.

Bird Feeder

Bird feeders not only add beauty on their own, but they also attract birds of many kinds - bringing life to your garden with visits from humming birds and cardinals to warblers, sparrows or orioles. Types of feeders range from tables, trays and hanging tree feeders.  Successful bird attraction usually depends upon where the feeders are placed, as well as the kinds of foods you offer, because every species has a different preference.

Bird feeders are always a nice touch for your garden decor. Bird feeders are always a nice touch for your garden decor.

Faux Stone Columns

Faux columns are a wonderful way to add elegance to your garden, with style variations including brick, cobblestone, river rock, castle rock, stacked stone and more.  Their wide range of attractive color choices also enable you to match the natural colors of the plants and stones in your garden.  The result is a lovely addition to your yard that showcases your garden and adds a wonderful look.  Some column styles can even be stacked to your desired height, so you can create the garden design of your dreams.

Garden decor ideas such as using a faux stone column enhance visual appeal. Garden decor ideas such as using a faux stone column enhance visual appeal.

Artificial stone columns are a lovely addition to gardens. The Windsor Random Rock column makes a lovely addition to this garden

Fake stone columns add style to any garden design. Windsor Slatestone column with cap

Photo Credits: tommaync via Compfight cc tomylees via Compfight cc sdettling via Compfight cc keira-anne ♥ via Compfight cc Emma-O - Pantychrist Guitarist via Compfight cc