Corbel Installation Instructions
General Tools and Materials
Wood for Blocking
Screw Gun/ Drill Driver & Bits
Caulk Gun
Loctite® PL® Premium® 3X Construction Adhesive
Color Complimenting Caulk or Wood Filler
Deck Screws
Tape Measure
Touchup Kit
Small Paint Brush
Clean Cloth
Safety Glasses
- Be sure to obey all safety rules and recommendations set forth by tool manufacturers.
- Wear safety glasses during the entire installation process.
- Always comply with clearances set forth by the manufacturer of stoves, fireplaces, furnaces, and any other heat source.

Step 1
Measure the inside dimensions of the corbel.

Step 2
Cut a block of wood (not supplied) to fit the inside dimension of the corbel.

Step 3
Install the block of wood where you want the corbel to go.

Step 4
Apply PL premium construction adhesive on the edges of the corbels.

Step 5
Install Corbel
Place corbel over the mounting block and slightly countersink at least one screw per side through the corbel and into the block of wood.

Step 5 (Continued)
Install Corbel
Quickly wipe away any excess adhesive.

Step 6
Fill in the screw holes with the colored caulk or colored wood filler and use paint from the touch-up kit to further conceal holes.